我的名字叫扎西卓玛,我是三世多杰羌佛云高益西诺布顶圣如来的弟子。在我叔叔去世的时候,我求问三世多杰羌佛:「我能做点什么?」作为对我挚诚求问的答覆,三世多杰羌佛修了一个非常不可思议而惊人的法,使我能看到我的叔叔 Robert (Bob) Welker 去了西方极乐世界(梵文Sukhavati)。但是因为这个仪式属于无上瑜伽金刚部法,不允许我对未得到适当传法灌顶的人详细描述。尽管如此,我还是可以叙述我实际亲眼目睹的神奇场面,我的叔叔被送到完全脱离俗世悲苦的佛国第六品。西方极乐世界共分九品,我叔叔往升到中级的最高层,通常叫中品上生。
在仪式开始的时候,我叔叔的照片在我手中轻微地颤动。好像他几乎等不及了,或者这是对三世多杰羌佛惊人佛法力量的回应?那是一个光荣而非凡的奇观!没有文字能表达在这件事发生的时候我所分享和体会的喜悦。三世多杰羌 佛解释说这是因为我能得见 "一眼" 在西方世界的极乐。据我所知还没有其他大法王或大师能做得到!它不可思议!在此之前顶圣如来已经让我见到了一次地狱的痛苦感受。现在我能通过亲身经历认识到西方极乐世界。
我叔叔去世时 90 岁,他一直是一个很好的基督徒,但是对佛教一无所知。他仅仅通过熟悉我而对佛教有所接触,尽管他也在 2003 年我们去俄亥俄州短暂拜访他的时候见过阿寇拉摩仁波且,她是从西藏来在三世多杰羌佛身边的仁波且。我确信我们是他唯一所听说过的佛教徒,更别提见过的了。
在牧师赞扬我叔叔 Bob 教育他的子孙如何捕鱼的时候,我吓坏了。我想大声说:"你怎么可以赞扬某人教育孩子怎样去杀戮?" 但我一言不发保持沉默。在这个俄亥俄州东南部的乡村社区和文化里,打猎和捕鱼对于食物和消遣两样都很重要。他们既不懂轮回也不懂业力的规则。唯一凭藉三世多杰羌佛的这不可思议的功德和法力以及大悲,这才会发生。
仅仅在罗伯特 . 威尔克(Robert Welker)离开这个世界后的十一天后,他的太太也离去了。她也是九十岁。三世多杰羌佛也能将她的心识提升以便她能与她丈夫一起在西方极乐世界。我看到佛菩萨来到庄严的曼陀罗坛场来欢迎我婶婶并且目睹了他们对她进入西方极乐世界的接纳。开始时好像我婶婶也许做不到,三世多杰羌佛回去并再次修法,这次他将她送到了这个永恒快乐和幸福的乐园。她也一直是个好基督徒,但对佛法一无所知。她也没有福报见到阿寇拉摩仁波且。她还是能去西方极乐世界。那是多么让人吃惊啊。这是由于云高益西诺布顶圣如来不可思议的悲心和佛法力量。佛法伟大!
在 2004 年三世多杰羌佛曾进行过另一个仪式把我的非佛教徒的父母 Carl 和 Elsie Welker 的心识也提升到一个更高的国度。当时我可以看到护法神来执行这个宗教仪式。我非常非常感激我的至尊佛陀上师三世多杰羌佛加持我至亲的仁慈与悲心。
三世多杰羌佛提醒我们说:我们必须认识到轮回不是仅仅因为佛教徒或者东方人而存在的。它在佛陀到来之前或耶稣以前就存在了,在他们离开之后也照样继续存在。它是个基于因果律的事实。它不因为人们信仰它或谈论它而存在--它就是存在,也不因为人们不接受或不相信它而停止存在。只有佛陀能够看到轮回回圈如何运转、能了彻出离痛苦的方法,而这痛苦是六道轮回本身所固有的。大多数宗教相信一些 "天堂" 或者是一种 "幸福猎场" 或者 "乐园" 的概念。佛教也承认这些道,但不把各种天国(天神或天使)或上帝的居所及其它天人作为灵修的目标。只把它们看作是 "休息站" 或者 "休假的好地方",而任何人只要他过良好的生活、 防止恶行并积累足够的 "功德",就一定可以去这些好地方。然而即使在天国,当一个人的功德用尽的时候(而且在这些道的时候很难积累更多的功德--感官上的享受太巨大了),他则必须再受生并偿还业报债。而且就算你现在过着良好的生活也不能保证你就一定会拥有良好的下一世,因为你过去世的业力会在你下一次轮转时缠绕着你。只有成圣或成觉者(或曰圣人),人才能摆脱轮回的回圈及生存的痛苦。很久以前的基督教徒也相信轮回,就像今天的许多基督教徒一样,但是不被基督教教义所接受。

Relatives of a Western Disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
Go to Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss
My name is Zhaxi Zhuoma, and I am a disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata. When my uncle died, I asked H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, “What should I do?” As a result of my sincere request, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III performed a very wonderful and amazing ceremony that enabled me to see my uncle, Robert (Bob) Welker, actually go to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss (Sukhavati). This is a very high ritual of the Supreme Yoga Vajra Division, which cannot be discussed in detail with those who have not received initiation. However, I am able to report that I actually witnessed with my own eyes the miraculous scene where my uncle was transported to the sixth level of this buddhaland that is beyond the worldly realms of suffering and sorrow. This is the highest tier of the middle level, known as the 中品上生 (Zhong Pin Shang Sheng) in Chinese.
The picture of my uncle quivered in my hands as the ceremony began. It seemed that he could hardly wait. Or was this in response to the extraordinary dharma powers of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha? It was a glorious and marvelous sight! There are no words that can express the joy I experienced that this was because I was able to obtain a “glimpse” of the bliss that occurs in the Western Paradise. I know of no other dharma king or master who can do this! It was incredible! Earlier, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III allowed me to see the sufferings of Hell. Now I was able to experience the bliss of the Western Paradise.
The Petitioning the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss Dharma is a very high and special dharma that is rarely practiced in this world. Many people want to go to the Western Paradise, but can’t. They would like to receive this dharma or have it performed for their loved ones, but can’t. I have been with H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III for six years and have seen him perform very many forms of inner tantric initiations and received some, but this is the first time that I saw him perform this particular dharma. It was only through the maturing of certain causes and conditions that this ritual was successfully performed.
My uncle, who was ninety when he died, had been a good Christian man but knew nothing of Buddhism. His only contact with Buddhism had been through knowing me, although he had also met my younger vajra sister, Venerable Akou Lamo Rinpoche, in 2003 when we briefly visited him in Ohio. Venerable Akou Lamo Rinpoche is a great rinpoche from Tibet and also a close disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. I am sure we were the only Buddhists he had ever even heard of, let alone met.
My uncle had lived a good life and was very kind of generous, being willing to go to great lengths to help those who needed help. His immediate family, who are all also good Christians, were quite certain that he would go to the Christian heaven, but who would have thought that he would have the good fortune to escape the realm of reincarnation altogether? He had, after all, also been an avid hunter and fisherman and had killed many living beings in his life. With such negative karma, how could he be reborn in heaven? Needless to say, it would be even more impossible for him to go to the Western Paradise. But H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s Buddha-dharma is so magnificent! I could actually witness my uncle going to this superb Buddha-land and enjoying the incomparable happiness one finds there. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III told me, “You are a rinpoche. That is why you can see this.”
I was horrified when the minister giving the eulogy at my uncle’s funeral praised Uncle Bob for teaching his grandchildren how to fish. I wanted to cry out, “How can you praise someone for teaching children how to kill?” But I held my tongue and remained silent. In this rural community in southeastern Ohio and this culture, hunting and fishing are very important, both for food and for pleasure. They do not understand the principles of either reincarnation or karma. It is only through the incredible merit, dharma skills, and great compassion of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III that this could happen.
Just eleven days after Robert Welker left this world, his wife also left. She was also ninety. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was also able to raise her consciousness so that she could join her husband in the Western Paradise. I saw the buddhas and bodhisattvas come to the sacred mandala to receive my aunt and witnessed their acceptance of her into the Western Paradise. This was a different ceremony held at a different mandala. At first it looked as though my aunt might not be able to make it. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III went back and practiced the dharma a second time. This time he was able to send her to this paradise of eternal joy and happiness. She, too, had been a good Christian, but knew nothing about Buddhism. She did not have the good fortune to meet Venerable Akou Lamo Rinpoche. However, she was still able to go the Western Paradise. It was so amazing. This was because of the incredible compassion and Buddha-dharma powers of Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata. The Buddha-dharma is magnificent.
In 2004, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III performed another ceremony to raise the consciousness of my non-Buddhist parents, Carl and Elsie Welker, to a higher realm as well. At that time, I saw the Dharma Protecting Deities come to perform this rite. I am very, very grateful to my most respectful Buddha Master, Dorje Chang Buddha III, for his kindness and compassion in blessing my dear relatives.
These miraculous Buddha-dharma events, performed for those who have not practiced or known anything about Buddhism, were all due to the amazing merit and compassion of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu. He was willing and able to share his boundless of Amitabha Buddha’s Western Paradise. This was a great teaching for me on compassion and true equanimity.
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III remained us that we must realize that reincarnation is not something that just for Buddhists or easterners. It existed before the coming of the Buddha or before Jesus and continues to exist even after they have left this realm. It is a fact based on the principles of cause and effect. It dose not exist because people believe in it or talk about it—it just exists. Nor does reincarnation cease to exist just because people do not accept it or believe in it. Only the Buddha was able to see how the cycle of reincarnation worked and was able to realize the method for escaping the suffering that is inherent in continual rebirth in the six realms of existence.
Some concept of “heaven” or a “happy hunting ground” or “paradise” is held by most religions. Buddhism recognizes these realms as well, but does not hold the various heavens or abodes of the gods (devas or angels) and other celestial beings to be the goal of spiritual practice. They could be viewed as a “rest stop” or a nice vacation site, as one can surely go to these wonderful places if one lives a good life, avoids evil, and accumulates sufficient “merit.” However, even in heaven, when one’s merit is used up (and it is very hard to accumulate more merit while in those realms